The "Venice Place" Hotel
The West Los Angeles Area Planning Commission (APC) ruled against us at the Venice Place Hotel hearing, as expected. Are we disappointed and angry? You Bet! But their action moves us ahead to more effective arenas: California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) and California Coastal Commission (CCC)) appeals, for both of which we have extremely strong cases.
We’d love to take them straight to court. The West LA Area Planning Commission hearing made us more confident than ever of our legal arguments. But the law requires that first we do the CEQA appeal and take them to the Coastal Commission. We’d be all the happier to put the project out of its misery there.
What Happened at the APC
The APC had already made up its mind at the original hearing, before Councilmember Bonin took it out of their hands, temporarily. When it came back to them, Bonin had cut a deal with the developer, which was incorporated into the case. It was literally a done deal (legalities notwithstanding).
However, long-time Commissioner Esther Margulies, who had missed the first hearing, made an impassioned plea based on deep concerns the Commission has avoided for years:
"I think that it will prejudice the Local Coastal Plan coming up."
"…there is a power imbalance in Venice of gentrifying forces, because the people who originally settled and built this place were denied the [rights they needed to] determine their future."
"… this is a rare opportunity to preserve an important piece of the historic Venice fabric. And a rare opportunity to support the Black American community here."
"This is really what the Environmental Justice aspect of the Coastal Commission and Coastal Act needs to be….[The State is] looking for us to lead on this."
Read her full remarks HERE.
We have a very strong case here, as the developer cut a major corner by failing to do a required feasibility study. Winning this wouldn’t kill the project, but it would reduce the size some and save three historic bungalows for affordable housing.
The obstacle here is that the appeal would be heard by City Council, and we have little faith that they would be willing to upset Bonin’s deal, so we’ll probably have to take it to court.
The Venice Coastal Land Use Plan prohibits tying more than two lots together, except for multifamily residential or mixed-use projects. This project requires combining eight lots, yet under Coastal rules it fits neither category.
It has myriad other problems as a Coastal project, from historic preservation to parking. It doesn’t help that this is a high-end hotel, when the Coastal Act favors lower cost visitor-serving uses.
Court would also be a far more favorable venue for the CEQA appeal, since here rulings are made on the basis of law rather than politics.
This project requires a huge bonus as a “mixed use” project, which adds 50% more floor area than would otherwise be allowed. But to get that 50%, they have to play very fast and loose with all sorts of legal definitions, including the particular definition of “mixed use” that produces the bonus, a special definition of “residential” to produce the “mixed use,” and even a definition of a “building” to allow them to tie eight lots together where the normal limit is two! When any of these machinations is rejected, the entire project unravels.
As the two appeals go through the process, we will need all of you and more to take action. Your continued support will be critical to winning. We'll be asking for more letters of support and participation in the hearings. We know it's a slog, but it's the difference between losing and winning. Tell your friends and neighbors as well. Maybe you have a list, send it to your lists. The Developer has the money and the team to go out and ask for support.
FORWARD TO A FRIEND. Suggest that they sign up for our emails.
We need your tax-deductible donations for legal costs to win this fight and protect our community. Please, if you can, make a donation to our hotel legal fund. Make your tax-deductible donation to CPV.
You can reach Citizens Preserving Venice by email.
CEQA is the California Environmental Quality Act), which protects the surrounding environment (including the built environment) against potential adverse impacts by a development project. The APC’s CEQA ruling can be appealed to LA City Council.
California Coastal Commission: The APC’s decision to grant a Coastal Development Permit is appealable to the CA Coastal Commission, which oversees development up and down the Coast as the authority administering the California Coastal Act. All of Venice west of Lincoln Blvd is governed by the Coastal Commission. (As a State law, the Coastal Act trumps all local ordinances if there are conflicts.)